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Microsoft Word for report writing


Explore the details of Microsoft Word 2016 in this comprehensive training, where you will gain valuable insights into formatting business proposals, technical reports, and other extensive documents.

The course covers a range of features to enhance the structure, readability, and professionalism of your documents.

Training Highlights:

  1. Document Structure
  2. Bookmarks and References
  3. Research and Citations
  4. Table of Contents and Index
  5. Numbering and Page Formatting
  6. Headers and Footers
  7. Finishing Touches

This training equips you with the skills to optimize Microsoft Word for creating professional and visually appealing documents, making it an essential resource for those seeking mastery in document formatting and presentation.


Course Registration

Phone: (+961) 70-948 720 or 81-692 992


Start: January 22, 2024

Time: Flexible

Size: Private sessions online


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